The project will implement a life-skills training program – an enrichment program that will provide girls with the opportunity to acquire critical socio-emotional life skills and opportunities to build trusting relationships not currently offered in secondary education
It is designed to support girls as they progress through secondary school to address their psycho-social needs and ability to make healthy, informed choices, GBV awareness including information on referral pathways to access these services
Integrating life skills training in secondary school enables adolescent girls to build confidence, social assets and networks required for healthy development.
Life skills include, among others: socio-emotional skills, such as conflict resolution, self-determination and leadership and negotiating skills
Providing girls with health education (hygiene, reproductive health, puberty, nutrition) and GBV awareness information on referral pathways.
A safe space approach will be used to provide life skills training and health education These sessions will be held on a weekly basis in 100 targeted senior secondary schools across 44 LGAs using a life-skills curriculum to be developed under the project in the state. The intervention is expected to reach 500,000 girls in the state through the life span of the project
As part of the methodology trainings will be provided to 250 female teachers and counsellors, in addition 40 mentors will be recruited in order to facilitate these sessions. The mentors will be recruited by the implementing partners using a selection criteria developed in collaboration with the schools themselves.